Students and Alums from Fresno State and USC participated on a field trip at the nutrition supplement giant, Nutrilite plant in Buena Park, Ca. Upon arrival, visitors to Nutrilite are greeted with friendly front desk employees who welcome them to an exceptionally clean work decorated with pictures and meticulous text branding against an uncluttered white background emphasized by the bright natural light coming from large windows.
The clean white tile flooring completes the pristine look, making any visitor feel at home, in the 60,000 square-foot research facility responsible for producing cutting-edge research for nutritional supplements sold worldwide.
Fresno State Biochemistry major Aaron Asparin, said the visit was impressive.
“Aside from the fact that the entire production process is incredibly meticulous and has lots of steps invested to ensure the quality of consumer consumption, it was amazing to see that the tour guide, hosts, and employees seemed genuinely happy to be working,” Asparin said.

Nutrilite employees shared how the company creates a positive working environment which in turn increases morale that leads to great productivity and loyalty toward the brand. To ensure everyone feels welcome, the company provides employees with food and beverages such as coffee, a gym where employees can work out and they exercise an open-office concept where employees share a open spaces and glass offices without curtains, making everyone part of the team.
The production process is streamlined, with every step designed to ensure a perfect product at all times. The
The visitors learned about the company founded in 1934 by At sunrise on July 27, Fresno State College of Science and Mathematics (CSM) students will embark on an unforgettable biotechnology journey, visiting the Nutrilite Plant in Buena Park, California.
Spearheaded by Dean Dr. Christopher Meyer, this educational trip will see approximately 20 students delving into vitamin research and development.
The $42 million Nutrilite Plant is a cutting-edge 60,000-square-foot facility that opened in 2015 as Amway’s research and development (R&D) facility.
It’s currently manufacturing different kinds of vitamins sold exclusively by Amway.
Meyer said the trip is an excellent opportunity for CSM students to engage with a leading biotechnology company that could be a future employer.
The Nutrilite Plant’s role as a vitamin research and development hub showcases the significance of continued innovation in nutrition. Students will learn about the existing body of knowledge and witness the unfolding of new frontiers in the ever-evolving biotechnology field.